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Truth to Power is a podcast dedicated to rap around the globe. In each episode I interview a guest speaker who focuses on a different topic, place or artist, to foreground the unique power of rap to challenge systems of power.


The podcast was aired in 2021 at RaBe (Radio Bern). You can find the dates here:



















Ana Sobral.jpeg
Ep. 2 Stories and Tellers (Preview)feat. journalist and author Musa Okwonga, Berlin/UK
00:00 / 02:33
Ep. 3 'La Austeridad' Rap in Spain afterfeat. researcher Xavier Balaguer, Madrid/Zurich
00:00 / 02:08
Ep. 4 Rap in Postwar Angola (Preview).mpfeat. DJ MPula/Batida, Lisbon/Luanda
00:00 / 02:09

Preview of podcast episodes:

Ep. 5 The Politics of Gangsta Rap (Previfeat. rapper Tommy Vercetti, Switzerland
00:00 / 02:24
Ep. 6 Racism and Police Violence (Previefeat. DJ and rapper Diamondog, Berlin/Angola
00:00 / 02:24
Ep. 7 Masculinities in Ghana (Preview).mfeat. rapper Ko-Jo Cue, Accra
00:00 / 02:32
Ep. 8 Plaza Dignidad: Rap and Revolt in feat. educator and writer Daniela Diaz, Zurich/Santiago de Chile
00:00 / 02:30
Ep. 9 Indigenous Rap of the Circumpolar feat. filmmaker Priscilla Naunġaġiaq Hensley, Alaska
00:00 / 03:33
Ep. 10 Women Rappers in North Africa andfeat. Prof. Angela Williams, University of Illinois
00:00 / 02:41

Here We Are - Lessons Learned is a podcast that came out of a series of workshops conducted by artlink in collaboration with artists with migration experience in Switzerland.

In 5 episodes, numerous artists tell about the challenges they have faced, the need to think inclusivity and diversity more thoroughly in institutions, and the potential for new formats in the future on the level of support for the arts in Swizterland. I produced and edited the podcast episodes, narrated in German and in English.



















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